2. Rysunek przedstawia szkielet człowieka.a) Wpisz nazwy części szkieletu, które oznaczono na rysunku kolorami : niebieskim i żółtym.b) Uzupełnij tabelę. Wpisz nazwy głównych części szkieletu i elementów wchodzących w ich skład.
3 Uzupełnij tekst słowami z ramki.
bed cat dinner dishwasher plants
Katie's blog
Hi. Today I want to tell
you about my new friend,
Charlie helps his parents
every day. He makes
his bed after he gets up.
Before breakfast he
empties the
and puts the plates and
glasses in the kitchen
cupboard. When it's hot, he waters the
in the garden. Then he goes
to school.
gets home from school at two o'clock and
he feeds the
because it's her
lunch time. His favourite chore is cooking
with his dad because it's fun.
They make great meals and then eat them
What chores do you like doing?