Uzupełnij tekst słowami z hospital library museumpost office universityJorge had a lot of things to do on Monday. First,he went to the (1)to send a letterto a friend. Then, he went to the (2)to put some money into his account. After that,he attended two morning classesat (3)During the afternoon break, he went tothe (4)to pick up a book. He alsovisited his aunt in (5)was getting better. After his afternoon classes finishedhe met Celia at the (6)to seean exhibition. He was quite tired at the end of the see if she
Jakie miary mają kąty zaznaczone na rysunku,
jeśli wiadomo, że:
a) kąt x jest pięć razy mniejszy od kąta y?
b) suma kątów ziy jest o 80° większa od sumy
kątów xi u?