8In your notebook, complete the dialogue withthe correct form of the verbs in brackets. Usethe present perfect or the past simple.Natalie I'm reading Around the World in80 Days... you..." (read) it?Charlie No. Who's it by?Natalie Jules Verne. He 2). (write) it in 1873.Charlie Oh, I know him. 1)... (read) Journey tothe Centre of the Earth a few years ago.Natalie (4). you (like) it?Charlie Yes, it (5)(be) great. You shouldread it. Last year, 16).(see) a TVprogramme called Around the Worldin 80 Days.Natalie With Michael Palin? Yes, I rememberit. He (7). (make) lots of travelprogrammes.Charlie He's really lucky. 1 (8)". (never be) toa foreign country.Natalie Haven't you? | 9).. (be) to one. Last year|(10)... (go) to Greece with my family.umie ktoś to zrobić?​

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Natalie I'm reading Around the World in

80 Days... Have you read it?

Charlie No. Who's it by?

Natalie Jules Verne. He 2) wrote it in 1873.

Charlie Oh, I know him. 1) I read Journey to

the Centre of the Earth a few years ago.

Natalie (4). Did you like it?

Charlie Yes, it (5) was great. You should

read it. Last year, 16) I saw a TV

programme called Around the World

in 80 Days.

Natalie With Michael Palin? Yes, I remember

it. He (7) has made lots of travel


Charlie He's really lucky. 1 (8)". I have never been to

a foreign country.

Natalie Haven't you? | 9).. I have been to one. Last year

|(10)... I went to Greece with my family.


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