Hi Jenny,
I'm glad to know I'll be staying at your house during the time. There are many subjects I like, I mostly enjoy learning [tutaj wpisz twoją ulubioną lekcję w szkolę po angielsku (English, PE, Polish, Art, Chemistry itd.)], I also enjoy listening to any sorts of music, the music artist I listen to the most is [wpisz ulubionego artystę muzyczną]. I really love the film [ulubiony film], it's definitely my most favourite film. My favourite film genre would be [ulubiony rodzaj filmu (akcja/action, romans/romance, science-fiction itd.)].
In my free time, I often [napisz, co lubisz robić w wolnym czasie, jak nie wiesz jak napisać, wpisz w komentarzu po polsku a ja Ci przetłumaczę].
I'd like to get to know you, too! Do you have any pets at home? What's your favourite book? What food do you like to eat?
I hope we'll have a great time together, can't wait to meet you!
From, [imię].