USE OF ENGLISH Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każda lukę (1-4) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. GET OUT OF THAT CHAIR! Recent studies of the health of people who sit for long periods at work, school, and home are making people think hard about their relationship with that very familiar object, the chair. According to a report published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, office workers should be (1) their feet for at least two hours daily during working hours. It goes on to say that they should break up long periods of sitting by using standing desks and (2) regular walks around the office. Statistics show that British people spend about 60 per cent of their waking hours sitting down, and this can increase to as (3) as 75 per cent for those who work in offices. High blood pressure, abnormal blood sugar, weight gain, spine and joint problems, and weaker muscles are (4) the possible health risks of an inactive lifestyle.

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Recent studies of the health of people who sit for long periods at work, school, and home are making people think hard about their relationship with that very familiar object, the chair. According to a report published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, office workers should be on their feet for at least two hours daily during working hours. It goes on to say that they should break up long periods of sitting by using standing desks and taking regular walks around the office. Statistics show that British people spend about 60 per cent of their waking hours sitting down, and this can increase to as high as 75 per cent for those who work in offices. High blood pressure, abnormal blood sugar, weight gain, spine and joint problems, and weaker muscles are among the possible health risks of an inactive lifestyle.

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