Proszę o pomoc!! Daje NAJPrzygotuj wpis dla osób anglojęzycznych na szkolnego bloga poświęcony konkursowi pt. 'STEAM in action' - Opisz którko konkurs- Przedstaw zwycięską pracę- Zachęć do udziału w kolejnym konkursie.Wpis powinien wynosić od 50 do 120 słów SCHOOL BLOG Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Podręcznik do j.ang Brainy strona 66 klasa 7

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Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! There's an update about this term's school STEAM competition.


This time, the theme was Architecture and Gardening. A week ago, teachers started choosing the best two of your works, and today we know who the winner is! Ten of the best works are on exhibit in the school hall, come here and check them!


The best Architecture theme piece was designed by Tom Hoose from Class 4B. This project presents car showroom that look like giant sport car! Whereas the best work of Gardening theme was designed by Sophie Baker from class 3C and this project presents the most beautiful garden, what I ever seen!


The theme of next term's competition is Creation and Invention, and I encourage you to take part, because there will be great prizes! So if you like to building robots and DIY get ready for the next competition right now!

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