(klasa 8)Wskaż słowa, które poprawnie uzupełniają tekst. Good friends argue well I think it's natural for friends to disagree with each other from time to time. My best friend and I have argued twice since / on Monday, "On/ In Tuesday evening, we had a little argument about the generation gap. Then yesterday, we Sargued / have argued about what to do in/at the weekend, Although we have occasional fights, we never fell / have never fallen out permanently. This is because we have good arguments. We talk about our own feelings and try to understand the other person's opinion. I believe a good argument can solve problems and clear the atmosphere, After all, we Gare / have been friends for / since 50 years!
I think it's natural for friends to disagree with each other from time to time. My best friend and I have argued twice since Monday. On Tuesday evening, we had a little argument about the generation gap. Then yesterday, we argued about what to do at the weekend. Although we have occasional fights, we have never fallen out permanently. This is because we have good arguments. We talk about our own feelings and try to understand the other person's opinion. I believe a good argument can solve problems and clear the atmosphere. After all, we have been friends for 50 years!
Uzupełnij zdania tak, żeby mówiły o tobie i były prawdziwe. 1. I get angry when _______.2.My parents are worried when _____.3.When I'm happy, I_________.4.When I can't find my phone, I________.5.Sunday evenings make me fell______.6.I'm disappointed when____________.
W jakim celu podmiot liryczny przywołuje: porcelanę, fotel, książki, odzież, plany? Co chce przekazać odbiorcom za pomocą tych obrazów? Zwróć uwagę na budowę zdań mówiących o wymienionych dobrach. Potrzebuję na szybko daje naj
Podmiot liryczny przywołuje rzeczy i czynności kojarzące się z codziennością, by pokazać, iż nie warto się do nich przywiązywać, ponieważ w przypadku szybkiej i gwałtownej zmiany trudno będzie nam z nich zrezygnować.