Pierwszy obrazek to szadź nie szron. Szadź to lodowate igiełki powstałe z kropel wody. Drugi obrazek szron drobne kryształki lodu utworzone z pary wodnej. Obrazek c Rosa to skroplona para wodna
Match the sentence halves.
1. I don't think you've heard this CD.
2. There's trash on the floor
3. I have to go to the post office to post
this letter
4. Oh, I've forgotten the wallet
5. This invoice is due.
6. You forgot to send me the money
7. I find it really hard to do my nails
8. It's raining and I clean forgot to take
the umbrella with me.
9. I forgot to buy the milk.
10. Oh no! I've run out of salt!
11. I don't think she
12. I've left my umbrella on the bench.
a) I'll pick it up
b) Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'll transfer it
straight away
c) Thanks for reminding me. I'll pay it
d) I'll give you a lift home, if you like.
e) I'll lend you some. Just bring a jar.
f) I'll do them for you.
g) Don't worry, I'll stop by the shop and
buy a carton for you.
h) I'll put it on.
i) Don't bother. I'll do it for you. I have
some to send myself.
i) Don't worry. I'll foot the bill.
k) Don't worry. I'll go back to the park and
get it for you.
D) will win the race. She's too slow.
Coś tu masz nie halo w zadaniu, jeśli poprawisz to udzielę Ci poprawnej odpowiedzi na wszystko. Na tą chwilę masz odpowiedzi tego co udało mi się zrobić 2a, 3i, 4j, 5c, 6b, 7f, 8d, 9g, 10e, 12k