Praca z tekstem
1 Adults expect their daughters to do more things around the house.
Fragment tekstu: According to a recent survey, girls have to do more chores than boys! It seems that parents ask more of their daughters than sons - the household task for girls are not only different, but they take more time.
2 Boys and girls have different kinds of chores.
Fragment tekstu: According to a recent survey, girls have to do more chores than boys! It seems that parents ask more of their daughters than sons - the household task for girls are not only different, but they take more time.
3 Ben's sister is 14 years old.
Fragment tekstu: I have a twin sister. (Ben, 14)
4 In order to help their parents more, Ben and his sister sometimes do something extra for their parents.
Fragment tekstu: From time to time, we do something extra for our parents.
5 Mandy's parents don't treat their children fair.
Fragment tekstu: But my younger brother doesn't do even half of the chores I have to do. It is so unfair!
6 Belinda's children share tasks such as setting the table, doing washing or cleaning the bathroom.
Fragment tekstu: When it comes to chores, I couldn't treat my children differently - they both set the table, do the washing or clean the bathroom.
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